Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2010 Gift Guide

Mom's Open Party

Mom's Open Party on Saturday was a HUGE success! Thank you to all the people that came out to support the Thirty-One line and I can not wait for you to get your products! I have placed the order and it is in the Processing Stages! Please check back for updates on where the order is!

Also I must say to Kelly, I am sorry for the delay on your new bag! BUT I spoke with the home office and it will be here by the first of next week!! :) YAY!

Some more good news if you can stand it! :) On Saturday I was talking to a friend of mine that sells Stella&Dot jewelry (LOVE IT) and we discussed having a joint party!!! WOW WOW WOW! Can you even imagine what a great day that would be! I will have to keep you posted on the detail there! :) So excited! But until then check out her page and browse around the new Fall/Winter line from them! Stell&Dot Elizabeth

One more thing to say and then I must get back to work... (hehe) Katie Jordan has booked a party and I am so excited to begin the process of planning with her! She's getting married and I can not wait to come up with something great for her!!! :) YAY!!!

ok... :( back to work!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I feel like I have been a horrible consultant the last month! I have been so busy with my full time job that I have not had time to update my blog with all the exciting information that Thirty-One has been offering.

First off the Fall/Winter line is to die for! ALL of my followers truly love their new patterns and continue to come back for more! :) I even went "matchy matchy" with my new organizing shoulder bag and new hard case wallet. :) I feel very girly but at the same time it works so well for everything that I need it for.

To my returning Thirty-One friends, I would like to say that you guys rock!! I am so glad that you have all fallen in love with these products and continue to want to build your collect! :) And I have exciting news!! They have given us a HOLIDAY PREVIEW!!! :) I know right!!! HOW EXCITING!!! The new products will be GREAT gifts for the WHOLE family and I can not wait to get them in and begin to show you guys what they have to offer! :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

YAY!!!! I am so excited to say...

What a success!! Lauren's party was amazing! She hit her goal and got everything she wanted! I am so happy for her! Holly's party has been ordered and according to the Business Update that this great company sends me her party will be shipping out in a few days!! I am so excited to get all of my great guest there Thirty-One Products! I know that everyone is going to love them.

The fall line is out and is a huge hit! Everyone loves the new patterns and all of the new products! The Organizing shoulder bags are still the biggest hit with my guest! But I have a feeling that the NEW Demi purse is going to be a HUGE item as well! It is very popular already!

AUGUST is a great month of all Thirty-One guest that LOVE to personalize their products!! EVERYTHING IS JUST $1!!! WOW!!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010



This is the link that will get you to the FALL/WINTER catalog until I can get you each a hard copy!

Holly's Party

YAY!! Holly's Party is coming to a close today and I am so excited to get all of her guest the great items that they have ordered! She had a GREAT turn out and received so many great incentives!! I know that she was very please with all the people that came out to support her and the party was a blast!

I am looking forward to my next party tomorrow with Lauren and I know that her party is going to be AMAZING as well!

Thanks to all the supporters, and I look forward to hearing what you think of all your great new goodies!


Hi Ladies! I know that I had hoped to have the Fall/Winter catalogs by this week, but I have received only links only to view the catalog thus far! I have been assured that the catalogs are on their way and that I will have them no later than Aug. 1st!

UGHH!! I know the wait is killing us all but I promise to get them to you as soon as I get them!

Thanks again for all your love and support!


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Littles Carry-All Caddy

Monday, July 12, 2010

New Fall PREVIEW!!! :)

Take a look at this great fall preview!!! So many new patterns and just in time to make you look FABULOUS for the the Fall and Winter months! I can not wait to get my hands on the new patterns and products!! :)

These New Patterns are SO CUTE!!! :)



Friday, July 9, 2010

Parties Being Book!

I am so excited to see Parties going on the books! I have one next weekend and one the last weekend in July and two more in the planning process of finding dates! :) I am so excited about the spreading news of 31 around here and with my great friends and family! :) Even the little orders are coming in! :)

July is a great month to have a party to! Check out the FABULOUS hostess rewards! :)

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I have been so busy that I have not had time to update for you ladies! I am sorry about that! We are into July and the Specials are gonna be HUGE this month! I am going to update more fully tomorrow but I wanted to say that EVERYONE should be SUPER excited about all of the fun and exciting news for the month of July and those of you that have booked parties for this month!! It's gonna be GREAT!!!!

:) Happy 4th of July to everyone!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weeks Going Good!

YAY!! There's a new party on the books!! Lauren is an official Hostess! To all of Lauren's luck guest you are in for a treat! We are going to have a great time at the party and their are going to be some GREAT new specials for you! Please keep your self updated here for the latest news and games that will be played at the party! If you are as excited as I am about Lauren's party the days will just fly by until it is here!

Watch for clues to Lauren's featured product at hints into free give aways! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Less Than A Week Away!!

Katie's Party is less than a week away!!!! And it's time for another clue!!! YAY!!! Ok Party Go'ers!!! Here we go!
Clue #1 was : I can be very handy!

Clue #2: I come in 5 different patterns!

Watch for the third clue to be out in a few days!!!

WHO'S GETTING EXCITED!!!! ????? :) I know I am!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What A Great Day!

Today I had my first 31 party. I used today to introduce the products to my close friends and family! :) It went over so well! Everyone loved the products! I am so blessed to be surrounded by such great people! :) I am more excited now about Katie's party than ever, because I know that her and all of her friends and family are going to love the products to!

Thank You to all of you that came out today and supported me! I could not have had a better day if I wanted to! :)


Monday, June 7, 2010

YAY!!! I received new products today!

I am so excited! New products keep arriving and my first parties are closer and closer to being here! I promise to get up some photos tomorrow of all the current products that I have. I feel like I am slacker because I have not had time to stop long enough to do that yet! BUT I promise to get it up tomorrow. :)

I was thinking about a lot today and I feel like I have found something that is going to better me in so many ways. I have never enjoyed doing something as much as I enjoy talking to people about Thirty-One and getting them involved with the products! I ADORE these products and the more I learn the more I want to know. The more the products show up the more I want to have. These products have sparked a little fire inside of me and I want to share them with everyone.

Thank You to all of my daily viewers. (Even if you have not subscribed yet) I like hearing your thoughts on how I can improve the site! Keep the ideas coming! :)


Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Weekend Is Here!

Hello All my.31 Friends!! I am so excited to say that I got a call from my Director today, and we caught up and shared lots of 31 News!! :) Libby is great! I could not have asked for a better director!

I have spoken with Katie and we are moving her party to her Aunts house because of the parking issues that may occur at Katie's house! I will be sending out a new invitation later on tonight with all of the up dated information! I am so glad to see that people are responding to her invitations already and it is looking like it is going to be a great fun filled evening!! :)

Clue Number One:
I am handy and can be taken anywhere...

Happy Hunting To Katie's Party Go'ers!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Katie's Party is in the first Stages!!

I am so excited to say that Katie's party is off and rolling!! With the guest list going into place and the plans coming together her party is going to be a BLAST!!

Margaritas & 31

This is Katie's theme!! I must say that I am so excited to begin the decoration planning. :)

I explained to Katie tonight in our meeting that I would be playing a special game here on the blog for those dedicated guest! :) So heres the game... between now and her party I will be placing clues on here that will describe the featured 31 product of the night for Katie's party! For those of you that play along and come in with the correct answer I will have a special prize waiting for you that night.

Be watching for the first clue soon!! :) Happy Hunting!!


Monday, May 31, 2010

Four Parties!

YAY!! I have four parties on the books! I am so excited about the number of people that are becoming interested in the 31 products! With Invitations going out tomorrow for the first two I look forward to the next weeks to come and the fun we are going to have!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Moving Forward! :)

My first batch of product came in!! I am super excited to show it off! I am going to put pictures up later!!

And I have booked my first two shows!! :) I am so thankful for great friends and family and all their support! 31 is proving to be something that will take me forward!! YAY!!

Congrats to Lauren and Holly for booking the first two shows!! You will receive 50% off a product of your choice!! :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

I Am So Excited!!

My New Thirty-One Products will be arriving today! I am am just beside myself waiting for them! I can not wait to have them in hand so that I can show them off to all of my friends and family! I just know that everyone is going to love these products just as much as I do!! :) More to come! :) I will post pictures later!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Book one of my first 5 parties and get a special reward!

Book a party today!

Be one of my first 5 parties booked and get 50% off any item of your choice!

Pick your favorite item, a birthday gift, a last min Graduation gift, something for mom, grandma, your little girl, and don't for get the wedding gifts or baby shower bargains!! Whatever it may be get it 50% off!!

Hurry!! Don't wait!! Your rewards are closer than you know!! :)

(see the online catalogs and make your wish list now!)

May's Thirty-One Specials!!

Book A Party!!! Get FREE Stuff!!! :)

Who doesn't like getting free cute accessories! With the Thirty-One Hostess Rewards Options you can have a girls night out laughing, eating, drinking and talking while getting free rewards from your parties sells! Check out the Hostess Rewards and Book your Girls Night Out today!

Our mission is to celebrate, encourage and reward women through offering quality products and an outstanding opportunity to become successful business owners. We have seen this mission played out across the years in the individual lives of so many women who now have their own “Thirty-One Story”.

Our products are exclusive to Thirty-One and provide style and convenience at an amazingly affordable price. From our signature purses and totes to kid's items and accents for the home, you'll find something to fit every personality and situation. We continue to develop new products built on the idea that our products must be stylish, functional, affordable and easy to give as gifts to encourage someone special.

New Experiences!

:) I'm so excited to get started!