Sunday, June 20, 2010

Weeks Going Good!

YAY!! There's a new party on the books!! Lauren is an official Hostess! To all of Lauren's luck guest you are in for a treat! We are going to have a great time at the party and their are going to be some GREAT new specials for you! Please keep your self updated here for the latest news and games that will be played at the party! If you are as excited as I am about Lauren's party the days will just fly by until it is here!

Watch for clues to Lauren's featured product at hints into free give aways! :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Less Than A Week Away!!

Katie's Party is less than a week away!!!! And it's time for another clue!!! YAY!!! Ok Party Go'ers!!! Here we go!
Clue #1 was : I can be very handy!

Clue #2: I come in 5 different patterns!

Watch for the third clue to be out in a few days!!!

WHO'S GETTING EXCITED!!!! ????? :) I know I am!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What A Great Day!

Today I had my first 31 party. I used today to introduce the products to my close friends and family! :) It went over so well! Everyone loved the products! I am so blessed to be surrounded by such great people! :) I am more excited now about Katie's party than ever, because I know that her and all of her friends and family are going to love the products to!

Thank You to all of you that came out today and supported me! I could not have had a better day if I wanted to! :)


Monday, June 7, 2010

YAY!!! I received new products today!

I am so excited! New products keep arriving and my first parties are closer and closer to being here! I promise to get up some photos tomorrow of all the current products that I have. I feel like I am slacker because I have not had time to stop long enough to do that yet! BUT I promise to get it up tomorrow. :)

I was thinking about a lot today and I feel like I have found something that is going to better me in so many ways. I have never enjoyed doing something as much as I enjoy talking to people about Thirty-One and getting them involved with the products! I ADORE these products and the more I learn the more I want to know. The more the products show up the more I want to have. These products have sparked a little fire inside of me and I want to share them with everyone.

Thank You to all of my daily viewers. (Even if you have not subscribed yet) I like hearing your thoughts on how I can improve the site! Keep the ideas coming! :)


Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Weekend Is Here!

Hello All my.31 Friends!! I am so excited to say that I got a call from my Director today, and we caught up and shared lots of 31 News!! :) Libby is great! I could not have asked for a better director!

I have spoken with Katie and we are moving her party to her Aunts house because of the parking issues that may occur at Katie's house! I will be sending out a new invitation later on tonight with all of the up dated information! I am so glad to see that people are responding to her invitations already and it is looking like it is going to be a great fun filled evening!! :)

Clue Number One:
I am handy and can be taken anywhere...

Happy Hunting To Katie's Party Go'ers!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Katie's Party is in the first Stages!!

I am so excited to say that Katie's party is off and rolling!! With the guest list going into place and the plans coming together her party is going to be a BLAST!!

Margaritas & 31

This is Katie's theme!! I must say that I am so excited to begin the decoration planning. :)

I explained to Katie tonight in our meeting that I would be playing a special game here on the blog for those dedicated guest! :) So heres the game... between now and her party I will be placing clues on here that will describe the featured 31 product of the night for Katie's party! For those of you that play along and come in with the correct answer I will have a special prize waiting for you that night.

Be watching for the first clue soon!! :) Happy Hunting!!
